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Participate in Research

Participating in research is one of the few effective ways of knowledge exchange. By participating in a study, you are not only contributing to the current understanding of a particular phenomenon, but also obtaining intangible (sometimes tangible) benefits by learning new insights, gaining higher self-awareness. Participating in a study could also provide new means of catharsis, which supports healing processes, better sense of purpose, and self-empowerment.

You can learn various ongoing projects in which you are eligible to participate. If you are willing to participate, please learn the nature of each project below and click the link that will direct you to participate. 

Current Projects

Couple by the Sea

Secrets and Satisfaction: A Deep Dive into Marital Fulfillment

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 5-10 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: OVO cash/BCA transfer Rp100.000,00 each for 30 participants

Participant criteria:

  1. male or female,

  2. 25 years old and older,

  3. being married,

  4. minimum 2 years of marriage,

  5. this is the first marriage,

  6. living in Indonesia.

Cropped Portrait

Resilience in Women Working in Long-Distance Marriages

Study design: interview

Estimated time completion: 5 minutes (short survey), 1 hour (interview if eligible)

Participant criteria:

  1. female,

  2. being married,

  3. currently or previously experienced a long-distance marriage,

  4. employed,

  5. living in Jabodetabek area.


Exploring Men: Choices and Emotions

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 10-15 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: e-money Rp50.000,00 each for 20 participants

Participant criteria:

  1. male,

  2. 18-25 years.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

The Dynamics of Religious Orientation and Disgust Emotions

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 15-20 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: e-money Rp50.000,00

each for 10 participants

Participant criteria:

  1. 18-65 years old,

  2. living in Jabodetabek area.

Completed Project


When love hurts: The role of adult romantic attachment as a predictor for domestic violence among married women in Greater Jakarta

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 15-20 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: OVO cash Rp50.000,00 for 4 participants

Participant criteria:

1. married woman,

2. 21-40 years old,

3. minimum duration of marriage is 2 years,

4. heterosexual orientation,

5. living in Jabodetabek.

WhatsApp Image 2021-11-03 at 21.22.43.jpeg

Social isolation versus social integration: The role of friendship quality to the life satisfaction of single adults in Indonesia.

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 15-20 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: E-money Rp20.000,00 for 10 participants

Participant criteria:

1. Male or Female,

2. 25-40 years old,

3. Never married,

4. Not dating.

Romantic Walk in Sunset

Suppress or reappraise? Emotion regulation strategy and marital satisfaction during the COVID-10 pandemic

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 7-10 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: E-money Rp 50.000,00 for 4 participants

Participant criteria:

1. Male/female in a legal marital relationship,

2. Minimum age at marriage of 19 years or older,

3. Indonesian citizen and residing in Indonesia.

Sad Portrait

Is being single a sin? Religious contribution to psychological well-being of single women who wish to get married.

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 5-10 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: E-money Rp 50.000,00 for 10 participants

Participant criteria:

1. Female 25 years old and older,

2. Never married,

3. Wish to get married in the future.

Church Choir

Who is more willing to serve in the music organization? The role of personality trait in determining organizational citizenship behavior of Orchestra groups in Indonesia 

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 10 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: -

Participant criteria:

1. An active member of orchestra group based in Indonesia,

2. The orchestra group comprised of minimum 30 members,

3. The orchestra group has a distinct leadership structures, such as but not limited to: chair, treasurer, secretary,

4. Has participated in a musical concert at least once in the last 12 months.


Finding a Suitable Partner: Gender and Mate Preferences Across Generations in Indonesia

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 10-15 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: E-money Rp100.000,00 for 10 participants

Participant criteria:

1. Male or female who are legally married,

2. Domiciled in Indonesia.

Poster Hibah (Story) (1)_edited.jpg

Man in relationship: explores the role and experiences of men in singleness, dating, and marriage.

Study design: Focus Group Discussion

Estimated time completion: 90-120 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: Rp250.000/participant

If you are:

  • male,

  • 27 years old or older,

  • living in Jabodetabek area,

we invite you to take part in our Focus Group Discussion that will be held on:

  • Saturday, 17 September 2022

  • 10.00-12.00 WIB

  • Harris Hotel, Fx Sudirman

Image by Sarah Medina

Will kids make you happy? Marriage satisfaction among parents and childless couples

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 10-15 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: e-money Rp100.000,00 each for 10 participants

Participant criteria:

1. 22 years old and older,
2. being married,
3. living in Jabodetabek area.


Gender differences towards work-family conflict and marriage satisfaction in dual earner couples in the

sandwich generation

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 15-20 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: shopping voucher valued Rp25.000,00 each for 10 participants

Participant criteria:

1. 45-65 years old,
2. Being married and have dependent children,
3. Both husband and wife are full-time worker,
4. Have at least one dependent parent,
5. living in Jabodetabek area.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez

Being unwanted single adults in Central Java: The role of self-compassion

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 10-15 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: e-money Rp200.000,00 each for 5 participants

Participant criteria:

1. 25-35 years old,
2. unmarried, but wishing to get married,

3. currently not in a dating relationship,
4. living in Central Java.

Image by

On Money and Marriage: Economic motives for (not) marriage

Study design: online survey

Estimated time completion: 15-20 minutes

Tangible rewards for participation: e-money Rp20.000,00

each for 12 participants

Participant criteria:

1. 20-40 years old,
2. being unmarried,
3. living in Java area.

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